Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pirates of the Silicon Valley

As I have researched, the pirates of the silicon valley is a computer related film and was based on the book Fire in the valley: The making of the personal computer by Paul Freiberger. As I have observed, film was narrated by Steve Wozniak, a co-developer of the Apple Computer. At first, I don't really had an idea on what is behind the film but then I realized that it only goes on the computer development. The movie took off with Steve Jobs talking in a melodramatic way to the audience, it seems but as the angle of the story scene shifts, it was shown that he was actually talking to a director and they were currently in the middle of shooting a commercial which is for the Apple Computer. The scene and the story goes unpredictable. After that scene of shooting a commercial, the scene then changes showing Steve Jobs talking about some sort of alliance formed between Apple Computer and Microsoft with Bill Gates in the screen.

Then the film had changed into the mode of flashing back those younger days of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. They were shown to be caught in a riot between police officers and student. Apparently, the movie then proceeds on the narration of the events leading to the development of the first Apple Computer. The film also featured Bill Gates possesses a nerd character who was a nobody and even got ignored by Steve Jobs in a computer expo. And as I have observed, the film had primarily focused on the Steve Jobs. A visionary and a future-oriented man developing the Apple Computer. I just don't like his character in terms of treating people and he recognized only his achievements as his family. Even on his love-life. He had a baby without having been claiming as his, that's why the baby had grown up without having been introduced to his father. That part of the story made my impression to him exasperate. He also showed an annoying character. Coming into his office informally wearing shorts and slippers which is very unpleasant. It showed his arrogance.

The story also narrated on how competition girded between the two leading companies and how they strive to outwit each other. The issue of trust and friendship came into infidelity. But then on the last part of the scene, they announced that they were good together.

For me, the real protagonist of the story was Steve Jobs because he got featured more in the film. I admire his determination to uplift the name of APPLE. Yes, he got some attitude problem going on but he did became successful. The character of Bill Gates was quite hard to understand but good thing that he became the richest man in the world.

One thing I realized most is that, success always starts from the ground. No matter how crucial or high the peak is, Patience, Perseverance, Relationship, Experience, Knowledge, and specially God's intervention really find it's own way to success. Failure comes but then giving up should not be acknowledge. A lesson-learned story.

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